Tuesday 3 March 2009

Playlists, and other animals

Ever since the wonderful spotify hit the internet, (if you honestly don't know what it is), one major ability has been bestowed upon us, besides the ability to listen to insane amounts of music. 
I am of course talking about spotify's brilliant playlists. It's pretty easy now to make up a playlist of your favourite songs, and then quickly send it to a friend. While spotify is by no means perfect, there are still huge gaps (no Smiths!), and I now have a hatred of people called Roberta, this ability for me pretty much makes it an essential piece of software kit. 

Firstly, this makes creating mixtapes insanely easy. Which are a wonderful way to quickly introduce somebody to your music taste, or show them new bands they may not have other known (I suppose you do allready,  however,  know what a mixtape is). 
Here are for example a few I made earlier: 
(N.B. That was supposed to be a playlist full of new stuff you might not have heard, but I ran out of new stuff I like that spotify actually has. Ahem) 

Secondly, I've started making little themed playlists, which are pretty fun to make. For example, here is a playlist I made of happy songs, in order to cheer up sad friends:
The only real limit to this activity is your creativity, and I suppose your musical knowledge (coupled with the still bulgening catalogue of Spotify). 
I won't make a raft of examples here, because I feel that this type of playlist should be a personal thing, songs that apply to you, or your friends. 
So I'll give you a few examples to set the ball rolling instead:
Songs that make you think of summer/winter/spring/autumn. 
Songs that make you think of home. 
Songs that make you think of PERSON X
Songs that will blow your mind. 
Songs that changed your life. 

And for that last one, here's one I made ealier: Songs that changed my life
I might write more on that later. 


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